When Surik returned to tell the scientist the news, she found only his dismembered arm clutching a datapad with a message stating that he had found the signal source but was attacked by his assistant droid.
When Surik arrived to meet the Twi'lek, she found only his body and no package, and was attacked by a droid. Surik offered her assistance to the scientist, who gave her a simple courier job: to pick up a package from one of his suppliers, a Twi'lek, at one of the docking pylons.
The Bith scientist explained to her that he was trying to pinpoint the source of a signal that seemed to encompass the entirety of the moon. A former Jedi Knight, Meetra Surik, met him in his laboratory in the Nar Shaddaa Docks and questioned him about what he was doing. No matter how many frequency dampeners I surround myself with, I cannot get that one signal out of my head.» ―The Bith scientist Ī male Bith who worked as a scientist was present on Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa, during the final days of the Dark Wars in 3951 BBY.